Creating Multi-Bridge Crane Systems

Modeling multiple cranes operating in the same bay has never been so easy!

User defined bridge separation distances, extensions to regular dynamic resource usage statements, and a set of new priority rules have been introduced in order to let you manage conflicting movements in the same envelope zone.

Crane Envelope The parallelogram-shaped area represented by a crane type path network, bounded by two rails and the lines connecting the endpoints of those rails. The lines connecting the endpoints of rails are effectively the two extreme positions of the center-lines of any bridges operating within the envelope. ProModel uses the end of one of the rails as the envelope origin to serve as a reference point for all logical distance calculations within the envelope.

Bridge Separation The minimum distance you want to maintain between center-lines of two neighboring bridges. This distance is not related to how close a bridge center-line can get to one of the extreme endpoints of the envelope. Caution: if bridge B tries to move to a node N that lies very close to the left end of the envelope, and bridge A is to the left of bridge B, a run-time error will occur if the space remaining between node N and bridge A is less than the bridge separation distance. To avoid such problems, define the crane envelope wide enough to allow sufficient space beyond any serviceable nodes.